Wednesday, May 14, 2014

7 days and counting...Clothing and Sundries

Untitled Document

"How much clothing should I bring" is a last minute call. First of all, there are variations in temperature from the Rims to the bottom of the canyon. Right now, the South Rim temperatures are perfect; highs in the 60's, lows in the 30's. Temperatures in the North Rim are currently highs in the 50's and lows in the upper 20's-30's. (Brrrrr) Phantom Ranch temperatures are typically 10' warmer than the rims. However, this week the temps have been even higher than normal.

Since we are staying overnight at the South Rim, we also need to consider the amount, and type, of clothing needed for the South Rim. And, should we need to stay overnight somewhere in the canyon, we need to ensure we have enough clothes to stay warm.

Clothing List for the Hike

(Top to Bottom)

Outer Wear (Cold Weather)


Underwear (really??)
Lightweight socks (x3)
Trail shoes
Hiking Poles (folding) optional

Lightweight jacket

South Rim Clothing

Other items to carry

Yoga toes (for Lisa's bunions)
Waist money belt/holder


Ankle brace [figure eight] (x2)
Ace bandage or kinesio tape
Shammy butter (protects from chaffing)
Aquaphor (for feet, protects from blisters)
Sunblock (face and body)
Digital camera
Moleskin/med kit/space blanket
Swiss army knife
Advil/Zyrtec/Decongestant (for Lisa)
Gatorade powder/Recoverite or perpetuem

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